Sometimes, tis better to receive than to give.
Being 100% honest here, getting stuff feels pretty good. You know the feeling – being so touched that someone put thought and effort into thinking of you. That’s really why it feels so good to receive, that idea someone cared enough to not only think of you, they made a trip out to search and search and search for the perfect item for you. Then they handed over their hard-earned cash for it! Inside of that gift box is more than a just a thing – there is love.
I am hoping *fingers crossed* that this is exactly how the family receiving all this good stuff, right here, is going to feel. Because they deserve it. And while the ASAP Team does not personally know this family, we feel like we do now. We know the mom and dad must work day in and day out for their five kids. And that the four girls are probably so pumped to have a baby brother this year. We hope they love the outfits we picked out (and we’re honestly a little jealous of) and, of course, hand-picked toys for each of them. We hope the father enjoys his new baking pans, and the mother the fresh towels and sheets!
Now, I’m not trying to discredit the spirit of giving. Clearly, writing this, you can tell we feel humbled and grateful for the means to do it. I truly hope this holiday season is full of joy, generosity, and gratitude for all – givers and receivers alike!
For more information on the Adopt-a-Family Program, please visit The Salvation Army: