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If that just made your stomach drop, you’re not alone. I think it’s safe to say there are a lot of Monday-haters out there. I get it – it’s hard to come back to work after a fun weekend. Monday means back to the daily grind. For the next five days.

So, what can we do about it?

I’ve learned to appreciate a few things about my workweek. To start, I like the structure of it all. You might think that sounds terrible, but just bear with me. Lets say you have an off day, and your schedule is free. You probably have a list of all the productive things you want to get done that day. But my guess is a few to none will get accomplished because the entire day will be spent binge watching something on Netflix.

If I have all day to do something, it will probably get done last minute, if at all. However, if I’m forced to make due with every hour I’ve got, suddenly I’m superwoman. I can work all day, go for a run, stop at the grocery, and even have time to sit down and watch a movie. And it feels great! It doesn’t matter who you are – that sense of accomplishment feels so rewarding.

Something else I find helpful is to start small and look for pleasure in the little things. For example, enjoying your morning coffee or telling your co-workers a funny story from your weekend can make Monday morning a little less gloomy. Give yourself a “Monday” treat – whether that is going out with friends or making your favorite dinner or dessert. Looking forward to something can make Monday seem a little less like a waste of a day.


Soon we will be ringing in the New Year. Personally, I plan to enjoy the festivities by my fireplace watching Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest. This year I want to forgo those unrealistic resolutions and make SMART goals instead.

The SMART methodology is a management strategy, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Based. Setting a goal will enable me to work smarter by creating a path with goals along the way to help me achieve my final outcome.

Specific (pick an area for improvement)
Measurable (criteria for measuring progress to achieve goal)
Attainable (objective is within reach)
Realistic (goal must have meaning to you)
Time- bound (time-line for accomplishing goal)

Don’t set yourself up for failure making unrealistic resolutions. Now go write down a detailed goal you would like to achieve professionally. Be specific, set deadlines and work daily on the steps that will help you achieve your goal. Do your best to record the results. This will help you to pinpoint problem areas where you can improve to get better results.

This methodology can be applied on a number of levels in both professional and personal goals. It doesn’t guarantee success, but at least it gives you the ability to apply a measuring stick.

I hope everyone has a safe, warm holiday with plenty of joy and laughter!

If you would like to learn more read, The SMART Goals Book by Anna Stevens.


Thank you to all of our clients for another great year!
ASAP employee’s were blessed to be able to donate $1,000 again this year, to a charity of their choosing.
Holiday 2014Please see our selections below and follow the links to read further on these organizations:

Center for Lakes & Streams, Grace College –

League for Animal Welfare –

Sheltered Paws Dog Rescue –

Canines for Disable Kids –

Susan G. Komen –

Luv Fur Mutts –

The Library Foundation of Cincinnati & Hamilton County –

The HEAL Program –


New Years Resolutions for the Office

The beginning of the New Year is an opportunity for fresh ideas and new goals. For many, that means its time to enroll in a gym membership, start that diet, join or hit those personal financial goals. The start of a new year is also an excellent time to evaluate your job and set some goals at work. Here are a few simple resolutions to consider for the New Year.

Learning Something New/Cross Training

Constant learning is very important in the workplace because processes can always be improved. Whether it is taking a class, enrolling in a seminar or cross training with other departments, extended learning can decrease cost and increase productivity.

Integrate fun

Take initiative on setting a positive work atmosphere. Work with others to find ways to create a positive and fun working environment. You can even look into arranging out of the office activities. Time spent away from the office is a great tool for team building and boosting office morale.

Set Goals

This may seem like a pretty obvious resolution, as company goals and hitting numbers are obviously very important. It is also important to set some personal goals. What do you want to personally achieve at work? Maybe it is to take ownership of a new project or become a contributor on an existing project.

Give Something Back to Your Community

This goal is very important to ASAP. There are all kinds of worthy organizations that make a difference in your community. Find a cause that matters to you and propose your volunteer or fundraising idea to your office management or team. Check out ASAP’s Giving Back page to see how we have recently given back to our community and organizations close to our heart –

Setting company resolutions can increase work satisfaction, company moral and productivity. Examine goals you want to set personally, as well as, within a group at work to benefit you and your company.


Recently, we found yet another competitor who finds it’s easier to steal than to work. In this case, they’re using the EXACT ad copy we had posted on our websites over 2 years ago… Really? Really.

What is it they say? “Imitation is the best form of flattery” – Based on the amount of Ad copy and product names of ours stolen over the years, I guess we should be pretty flattered then!

During our 30 years in business we’ve seen lots of companies come and go. Most are well intentioned, but for various reasons, they usually don’t last. Whether it be poor business practices, financial weakness, lack of integrity, just plain laziness or a combination of factors, these companies eventually fail.

Inevitably, some of the survivors resort to “copy cat” techniques because they lack ingenuity themselves. Why come up with better products, services, or even ad copy, when you can just steal them?

At ASAP, we pride ourselves in having a bias toward innovation vs simple imitation. The industry, as well as customers and competitors, see us as innovators; that’s a role we are good at and enjoy.

A good example of that can be seen in our Adverflag® roof stand. While our very first generation roof stand was acceptable, it simply is not as safe, reliable and efficient as the one we use today. In fact, I’m sure you’ve seen these products on the side of the highway during construction season! Our innovation was in adapting an existing product for our use, but all the while realizing that this could be a short term solution that would need improvement. And that is what we did. Here I am testing out the first generation roof stand:

So why change? Today’s version has been revised a few times – in conjunction with a longstanding supplier – in order to improve its performance. Today’s roof stand improved stability and increased wind resistance by over 40%, while reducing its shipping weight by 33%. Oh yeah, reduced roof damage from 3 instances to zero. Oh yeah #2, 20% less cost. Here’s a current photo of the stands in action:

Our Adverflag® roof stand is just an example of leadership, innovation, and a desire to continuously improve vs. the mindset of a follower, where imitation and a desire to rip off someone’s idea without improvement is the best you’ll ever get.

At ASAP we’re proud to be the one that sets the pace, we are continuously looking for ways to improve our products and services as well as our customer’s experience. The possibility of our good ideas being stolen is not going to stop us from continuing to innovate and grow.


I recently read an article that discussed what employees expect, need, and want from the people in leadership roles at their place of employment. With the ever-changing economy, employees want to be able to go into work confidentially, feeling that they are valued, and not constantly worrying about a round of layoffs or reorganizations that require them to put in more time without extra compensation.

Leaders in the workplace should make employees feel safe and secure, while providing them the right environment and the opportunity to thrive and be successful in their specific roles. Good leaders build trust with their employees, have their employee’s backs, and are humble, compassionate, and empathetic. There are seven things that employees specifically expect from their leadership: specificity, empowerment, vulnerability, honesty, accountability, respect, and authenticity. To be an effective leader, you should have an excellent balance of these seven qualities.

A leader needs to be specific. They need to be clear when giving direction and goals to their employees. If employees are given specific directions from their leaders, they will be better prepared for anything that comes up.

A good leader will empower their employees. The staff should not have to go to their boss or manager for every decision that needs to be made. Employees should be given enough information to make decisions by themselves. A good leader trusts their employees to make the right decisions.

An excellent leader also needs to be vulnerable. They should not claim to have all of the answers, or claim to be the best at anything. Employees respect leaders who are aware that they, too, have areas of improvement.

Employees respect a leader who is honest. It is not always easy to hear the truth, but an employee also does not want to be blindsided. A good leader should be transparent, so that employees know about things going on in the workplace that effect them and their jobs.

A good leader is someone who is accountable to others and themselves. A good leader would never delegate too much, or push off problems to others that they should handle on their own. A good leader is not afraid to admit when something went wrong that they are responsible for.

Leaders who are respectful to their employees also gain the respect of their employees. A good leader respects and values each employee’s individual contributions.

Lastly, a leader needs to be authentic. A leader who shows their true self, as opposed to having a “game face” on all the time is authentic. Authenticity breeds productivity from the employees, and creates an environment that employees want to work in.

Here at ASAP, we have great leaders that demonstrate all of these qualities. How are the leaders in your workplace? Share a great leadership or a not-so-great leadership experience with us!


ASAP contributes toward the American Sign Museum’s ongoing efforts to educate & preserve American Signage.

“Signs and sign making are a fascinating reflection of America through the years. If your experience at the American Sign Museum causes you to be more aware of signs in your travel and of their value to businesses and communities, we’ve done our job.” – Tod Swormstedt, Founder

For more information on the American Sign Museum, visit their site at:


Bringing your dog to work is more common that you might believe. According to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, ASAP Event Advertising is one of the 20% of American companies that have adopted a pet-friendly workplace policy. Studies have proven that it lowers employee stress levels.

Dogs and humans have been working together for thousands of years, dating back to the prehistoric caveman era. Naturalist Mark Derr wrote that dogs and humans worked together for hunting purposes, feeding off each other’s skills and evolved into close allies throughout the years.

If you are like me, stress levels definitely decrease when I have my friendly pooch by my side. It makes me realize why I’m working as hard as I do. After all, the amenities in life are why I get up early mornings and shuffle into work. As I gaze into my Bonnie dog’s eyes, I find that it helps me get through those hectic days that we all experience on occasion. Going for a walk together during my lunch hour brings a serenity that I could not find elsewhere, making me feel recharged and ready to complete my day.

I do recall working for a non-pet friendly workplace when I was in Georgia and having to sneak my pooch into the office due to a medical emergency. It was my turn to buy the donuts, and to my horror that morning, I discovered my silly pooch ate them all. Nobody could help me on such short notice. The veterinarian’s office wasn’t open yet and calling off work or coming in late was not an option. I had serious deadlines to make that morning. Too many people were depending upon me. I’ll never forget my manager’s puzzled expression upon hearing, “woof-woof-woof” From under my desk. That made for a funny moment. My co-workers and I collaborated together, shuffling my pooch from office to office, evading our manager’s investigation until I could flee to the veterinarian’s office during my lunch.

Tonight, as I chased my Bonnie dog three doors down, feeling the need to explore our neighborhood, I found myself wondering why I became a pet owner. Tonight while I compose this blog, I watch my Bonnie sleeping in the sun on the sofa by my side. Then it hits me. I realize that she really is on my side.

If you would like to learn more about pet-friendly workplaces, I suggest reading the following articles:


Our society has become extremely dependent on all technology – especially cell phones. Not a moment goes by that we all don’t have access to some sort of technology. I can’t remember the last time I left my house without my cell phone – and if I did, I went back to get it as soon as I realized it was missing. My parents talk about when they were kids, and how they would leave in the morning to play with their friends, and not come back until it was dark outside. They would be out and about all day long, and their parents had no way of getting in contact with them. Today, this is unheard of.

I recently read an article on Huffington Post titled “An Embarrassing Number of People Say They Couldn’t Live Without Their Smartphone”. It stated that 46% of participants in a Gallup poll said that they “Couldn’t imagine life without their smartphones”. It was also found that women are more dependent on their smartphones than men, and Apple users were more dependent on their phones than Android users. Why do you think we have become so dependent on phones and technology?

While we obsess over our smartphones, we miss out on what is going on around us. How many times have you gone out to dinner, or out to a concert or sporting event and all you see when you look around are other people (including those you are with) looking down at their phones? Along with being obsessed with our phones, we are obsessed with documenting everything that we do. Taking and posting photos of where we are, what we are eating, and whom we are with to every social media site imaginable. While we spend time documenting every part of our life, we are missing out on what is actually in the moment. How many times are you going to look at the photo of your dinner from 3 months ago, or watch the blurry, low quality video of the concert you went to last year? You will always have memories of the events you go to, you don’t need to document them as well.

A new trend is to “unplug” for a day, for an hour, or for a dinner with friends. The idea is for everyone to put their phones away and just enjoy the moment and the company around them. This is something I need to work on – I am guilty of not doing this enough. Share your ideas on how you “unplug” with your friends and family!


This lady comes complete with a head full of sensibility and a heart of gold.

When she’s not managing daily affairs around the office, she can be found volunteering at the local dog shelter, saving the life of an animal (or two).

You will never have to tell Brittany to put herself in someone else’s shoes. She’s already wearing them. This shows through in her work. Every situation is approached from the viewpoint of the client and handled with the upmost care. Your problems are her problems.

She’s definitely a person you want on your team. With Brittany, you can always trust you are getting the best possible, most honest service.